Python-nomadCourse 1
Theory **variable(변수); ** number, 'text'(or "", text has to be surrounded by '' or "")->string, True/False a=2 b=2 a_string = "like this" a-number = 3 a_float = 3.12 a_boolean = False a_none = None print() function(
Theory **variable(변수); ** number, 'text'(or "", text has to be surrounded by '' or "")->string, True/False a=2 b=2 a_string = "like this" a-number = 3 a_float = 3.12 a_boolean = False a_none = None print() function(
Goal : Use input value to get weather Goal : Use input value to get weather 1. Migrate fetch call into the submit callback 2. Use the search text as the address query staring value 3. Submit the form with a valid and invalid calue to test const weatherForm = document.querySelector('
What is javascript? Javascript is only programing language, ES5, ES6 ; ECMA scripts
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